Apache Camel 2.21.3 Release
New and Noteworthy
This release is a minor update of the 2.21.x branch.
Getting the Binaries
Getting the Binaries using Maven
To use this release in your Apache Maven pom.xml
, import the Camel Bill of Materials (BOM) and then include the camel-core
and any other components needed without specifying the version.
To use this release in a Spring Boot application, use the camel-spring-boot-dependencies
Bill of Materials (BOM):
Binary Distributions
Binary distribution contains all the artifacts Apache Camel project distributes in binary form
Description | Download Link | PGP Signature file of download |
Windows Distribution | apache-camel-2.21.3.zip | apache-camel-2.21.3.zip.asc |
Unix/Linux/Cygwin Distribution | apache-camel-2.21.3.tar.gz | apache-camel-2.21.3.tar.gz.asc |
Source distribution
Source distribution contains all the artifacts Apache Camel project distributes in source form
Description | Download Link | PGP Signature file of download |
Source (zip) | apache-camel-2.21.3-src.zip | apache-camel-2.21.3-src.zip.asc |
Git tag checkout
Release is tagged with camel-2.21.3
in the Git, to fetch it use:
git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/camel.git cd camel git checkout camel-2.21.3
Resolved issues
Here is a list of all the issues that have been resolved for this release
Bug (36)
- CAMEL-12882
- Camel Jms headers missing if producer endpoint has transferExchange=true
- CAMEL-12880
- Atom consumer stops polling
- CAMEL-12870
- make cxf consumer endpoints suspendable
- CAMEL-12852
- Fix unstable test PubNubPresenceTest
- CAMEL-12850
- camel-ftp tries reconnects twice as much as maximumReconnectAttempts
- CAMEL-12844
- splitter with grouping looses encoding property
- CAMEL-12843
- CamelContext Start command shouldn't start a Suspended context
- CAMEL-12838
- Camel Twitter Send Direct Message Endpoint not working
- CAMEL-12829
- An autocreated CXF Bus not shut down in CxfSpringEndpoint
- CAMEL-12821
- Fix MQTT URI param typo
- CAMEL-12805
- camel-restdsl-swagger-plugin doesn't convert integer default value to string
- CAMEL-12787
- Accept header is not respected anymore in CXFRS consumer when POST
- CAMEL-12786
- Option readLockLoggingLevel not working for SFTP changed read lock strategy
- CAMEL-12785
- ServletComponent ignores httpBinding option
- CAMEL-12779
- camel-spring-redis - When stopping consumer it should stop the message listener
- CAMEL-12775
- Using StubComponent can block routes depending on MEP
- CAMEL-12769
- Combination of File consumer with charset and Split DSL with XPath doesn't parse XML correctly
- CAMEL-12762
- camel-sjms - MessageProducer is not closed when using shared session
- CAMEL-12758
- SOAP request causing null namespace URI in SimpleNsStreamWriter camel-cxf/woodstox
- CAMEL-12746
- Temporary reply queues being created with main endpoint autoAck setting
- CAMEL-12740
- Olingo4Component creates and ignores HttpAsyncClientBuilder
- CAMEL-12725
- [ERROR] /sobject-pojo-optional.vm: Encountered "(" at line 64, column 8.
- CAMEL-12724
- Simple SFTP-to-File integration with charset options fails
- CAMEL-12720
- Krati implementation does not work properly persistence after put operation.
- CAMEL-12713
- relative paths can remove scheme from xslt URI
- CAMEL-12709
- UseOriginalAggregationStrategy in outer loops
- CAMEL-12685
- relative references for nested xslt inclusions don't get resolved
- CAMEL-12681
- BreadcrumbId not required for aws-sqs aws-sns endpoints
- CAMEL-12656
- camel-zipkin - Root Span Id is not reported if the route calls multiple route
- CAMEL-12654
- RabbitMQ Headers - Headers with null value are skipped.
- CAMEL-12638
- DefaultFluentProducerTemplate is not thread safe
- CAMEL-12575
- camel-cxfrs: NPE on GET request with Content-Type header
- CAMEL-12565
- outputTypeWithValidate (or inputTypeWithValidate) + validator()... doesn't work as expected
- CAMEL-12484
- Camel-salesforce component does not try to reconnect on specific error
- CAMEL-12410
- No type converter from java.lang.String to java.math.BigInteger required for firstIndex
- CAMEL-12087
- camel-core: WARN No CamelContext defined yet so cannot inject into bean
Improvement (2)
- CAMEL-12691
- Allow configuration of org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler on DocumentBuilders used in Camel
- CAMEL-12653
- JaxbDataFormat.unmarshal should use passed Exchange when converting given InputStream into XMLStreamReader
New Feature (1)
- CAMEL-12651
- Allow to override serializing and deserializing default mechanism for kafka headers
Task (2)
- CAMEL-12754
- Upgrade Apache Ignite
- CAMEL-12658
- camel-weather: Freegeoip service is no longer avaiable, we need to switch to apilayer IPstack