Configuring a Registry

You can use as registry to host Camel K images. Usually, users may want to use in combination with Google GKE.

In order to push images to, you need to provide a valid key to Camel K. The best way to obtain a valid key is from the Google web console:

  • Go to

  • Make sure the project where you created the Kubernetes cluster is selected in the drop-down list

  • To avoid confusion, it’s suggested to use the "English" language in preferences of the Google Cloud console

  • Select "IAM & admin" from the navigation menu, then "Service accounts"

  • Create a new service account specifying the following id: "camel-k-builder"

  • You’ll be asked to select a role. It’s important to select the "Storage Admin" role from the "Storage" menu

  • Finish creating the service account

  • From the action menu of the service account you’ve created, create a key using the JSON format

A .json file with the key will be downloaded to your machine. You need to store that key in a Kubernetes secret.

It’s important to rename the file you’ve just downloaded to kaniko-secret.json (make sure you write it correctly). After the renaming, execute the following command to create the secret:

kubectl create secret generic kaniko-secret --from-file=kaniko-secret.json

Ensure you have the kamel CLI on your system path.

You should now execute the following command to install cluster resources and the operator (in the current namespace):

kamel install --registry --organization <<your-project-id>> --registry-secret kaniko-secret

Use the project id of your project on GKE. Usually this can be obtained from the connection string.

the project id is NOT the cluster id!